Mount Zion Baptist Church is a multi-campus church, with over 22,000 members. We visited the Old Hickory campus with some friends. Before we ever stepped foot in the church, we were greeted warmly by everyone who passed by on their way in.
In the sanctuary, the baptismal font in the front has a beautiful stained glass dove descending right above the baptismal alcove. Large screens flanked the baptismal font that allowed announcements, video, song lyrics and other sorts of media to be broadcast out to the congregation.
Most impressive, though, was the musician's orchestra pit and choir. While I couldn't see all the instruments, I could hear at least two drum sets, a full brass section, guitars, keyboard and many others. Directly above the musicians was a choir whose every member, in my opinion, could be professional singers. They offered up a praise and worship service that had my seven-year-old declare, "The music is so loud it makes my bottom wiggle." And, indeed, the vibrations from the bass and drums wriggled all the way up my spine and I could not help but smile.
After the choir seated themselves, a gentleman greeted the congregation and welcomed the Bishop and his new wife, just back from their honeymoon. Several well-wishes from outlying Bishops were shown on the screens, and their newsletter/magazine, "The Trumpet" featured a large article about the newlyweds, focusing especially on The First Lady, Dr., Mrs. Stephanie Walker.
The gentleman in the front asked visitors to stand. Our family stood together and felt waves of welcome from the congregation, as well as the choir, who sang a complete (beautiful) song of welcome to us and the other visitors. After the song, we were hugged by at least half of the congregation, who made special trip across the aisles and the sanctuary just to make us feel welcome.
After another hymn of praise, the Bishop Joseph Walker stood to give his message. He was a very talented speaker. He was personable and engaging. And you could tell he was much beloved by his congregation.
He had written a book about his life with his first wife, who had died from cancer, and how the illness affected them both. My seven-year-old begged for a copy of the book.
Finally, we had one last hymn that was awesome, in the truest meaning of the word. Every person was lifting his or her voice to the Lord.
After service, we were greeted by more members and received more hugs and well-wishes. And, to my understanding, the Bishop was on his way to his second out of four sermons for that day.
This was certainly one of the most spirit-filled, joyful, hospitable churches I have ever had the privilege to visit. Many thanks to all of those wonderful people who made our visit so delightful!
Mount Zion Baptist Church
(the campus we visited)
7594 Old Hickory Blvd., Whites Creek, TN 37189
(615) 254-7296
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