This Sunday was going to be like any other Sunday in our home church-- Except that the new council was being installed during the service. Hubby has been elected Vice President, which means he will serve as President next year. So, we knew that was going to be pretty special.
As we were sitting down, we were approached by one of the gentlemen in our congregation who said they were short acolytes. Both my older kids were asked to acolyte.
There is nothing quite like watching your children walk in carrying the torch to light the alter candles. They had on their long robes (which nearly drug the ground on the younger child) and the acolyte's cross.
As the service progressed, they sat still and/or participated in the service, as the need required. They didn't slouch, pick at their shoes, stare at the ceiling or even yawn. They were respectful ministers of the service.
Our family might not have sat in the same pew together, but we were definitely all worshipping together. And what joy to get to serve our Lord in these very special ways!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
St. Timothy Lutheran Church- Coming Home
This past Sunday, we went back to St. Timothy. We are not "done" with our Faith Walk-About. In fact, I hope that we continue our Walk-About to a lesser extent indefinitely.
It was somewhat of a "Homecoming" for us, even though we had been there last week. We had a congregational meeting to vote in the new council members, and David was elected VP. Courtney was trained to be an acolyte. And we all recommitted ourselves to all of the day-to-day activities of St. Timothy.
The service was like slipping into a pair of your favorite jeans. It was familiar, comfortable and easy to settle into. We sang my favorite song, "This is My Father's World."
Pastor Maier's sermon was aimed, once again, at the transition the congregation is experiencing, and has been experiencing for about five years, total. These sermons seem to be lightening the spirits of our weary souls.
Prior to service, Jill, our new Sunday School Superintendent, asked for Volunteers. She did so with such enthusiasm and cleverness that she had a nice response.
It is gratifying to see, especially after our various experiences in the various churches, that St. Timothy is getting a fresh breath of air. Our energy level seems to be rising again. People are beginning to try to figure out where they can "plug in." There is a feeling of joy, rather than the feeling of diligent duty.
As we continue our Walk-About, I will continue to post on this blog. And as wonderful things go on in St. Timothy, I will share those here as well.
If I was asked to sum up our experience (thus far), I would say that we all had a wonderful opportunity to see God's love in action in very many different ways. All are brothers and sisters under God. We just worship and praise Him differently.
What a blessing to share this with my family! Glory be to God!
St. Timothy Lutheran Church is located in Hendersonville, TN
It was somewhat of a "Homecoming" for us, even though we had been there last week. We had a congregational meeting to vote in the new council members, and David was elected VP. Courtney was trained to be an acolyte. And we all recommitted ourselves to all of the day-to-day activities of St. Timothy.
The service was like slipping into a pair of your favorite jeans. It was familiar, comfortable and easy to settle into. We sang my favorite song, "This is My Father's World."
Pastor Maier's sermon was aimed, once again, at the transition the congregation is experiencing, and has been experiencing for about five years, total. These sermons seem to be lightening the spirits of our weary souls.
Prior to service, Jill, our new Sunday School Superintendent, asked for Volunteers. She did so with such enthusiasm and cleverness that she had a nice response.
It is gratifying to see, especially after our various experiences in the various churches, that St. Timothy is getting a fresh breath of air. Our energy level seems to be rising again. People are beginning to try to figure out where they can "plug in." There is a feeling of joy, rather than the feeling of diligent duty.
As we continue our Walk-About, I will continue to post on this blog. And as wonderful things go on in St. Timothy, I will share those here as well.
If I was asked to sum up our experience (thus far), I would say that we all had a wonderful opportunity to see God's love in action in very many different ways. All are brothers and sisters under God. We just worship and praise Him differently.
What a blessing to share this with my family! Glory be to God!
St. Timothy Lutheran Church is located in Hendersonville, TN
Sunday, July 12, 2009
St. Timothy Lutheran Church

Today we went back to our home church, St. Timothy Lutheran. It was so familiar, we were able to recite it without consulting a book or bulletin. And it was wonderful to see friends we hadn't seen in a while.
The highlight of the service was the sermon. Pastor Meier is our transitional pastor, and his job is to help us as we are in a holding pattern while hiring a new permanent pastor. Today he addressed the idea that any kind of congregation in this position finds themselves at a point when they are tired of the process; They are tired of the wait; They are ready things to move along.
He acknowledged that in any organization, it is typical for 20% of the people to do 80% of the work. And when people are tired, it becomes harder to keep up responsibilities and excitement.
However, the church has to continue. And they have to keep strong. The congregation needs to keep their spirits high. First, for the life of the congregation. But, secondly, pastoral candidates are looking at us and interviewing us as much as we are to them.
It was not a sermon that made us feel guilt or that anyone was pointing fingers. Instead, it was more like a rallying cry, encouraging us all to look in our hearts and listen for our individual calling.
After the service, my two older children excitedly volunteered to help as ministers of the service. And hubby threw his name in the hat for Vice President of council (provided no one else felt called to do it). My youngest is thrilled to follow behind siblings or family members, helping in any way she can.
I am still helping and volunteering behind the scenes, which is just fine with me. And I am still enjoying our faith walk-about.
We may not go somewhere new every week. But we will still visit places from time to time. It is a great way to appreciate what you have, find inspiration to take back to your home church, and remind ourselves that God is a God of wonder, Who is worthy of all kinds of worship & praise- no matter what the religion or what kind of service is practiced.
St. Timothy Lutheran Church
650 East Main Street
Hendersonville, TN 37075
Sunday, July 5, 2009
St. LaPointe Lutheran Church

Today, David was going to be leaving town for a while. We talked about what church we would attend, and it was decided that the children would be in charge of our worship service today, and that we would have it at our home.
The children spent hours upstairs working on their service. It was decided that Caitlin would be the music director, Courtney would be acolyte and lector, and Connor would be the worship leader.
They started out by lighting two candles. Then they asked us to bow our heads while we all recited the Lord's Prayer.
Next, they had Courtney read from Exodus 32:1-29 (the story about Moses and the golden calf). Courtney and Caitlin did a skit for the sermon, and Connor explained that the choice of the story of the golden calf was based on the need for patience.
To keep in the theme of the golden calf, our hymn of the day was "Old McDonald" (which I found pretty creative). Then they used some crackers and water for Holy Communion.
Caitlin, the Music Director, played the piano.
Finally, Connor pronounced the benediction.
Much work went into this service. And, it will forever be one of my very favorites. The kids worked together for a common good. And they displayed a wonderful ability to take a biblical passage and understand it and convey their understanding.
Considering all the fighting and bickering they have been doing lately, this was such a fresh, unexpected joy. For an entire morning, my children got along, smiled at each other, listened to each other, and worshiped together.
It was easily one of the best worship services I have had in a very long time!
Praise be to God!
St. LaPointe Lutheran Church is not a real ELCA congregation
We worshiped in our home
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