Today, David was going to be leaving town for a while. We talked about what church we would attend, and it was decided that the children would be in charge of our worship service today, and that we would have it at our home.
The children spent hours upstairs working on their service. It was decided that Caitlin would be the music director, Courtney would be acolyte and lector, and Connor would be the worship leader.
They started out by lighting two candles. Then they asked us to bow our heads while we all recited the Lord's Prayer.
Next, they had Courtney read from Exodus 32:1-29 (the story about Moses and the golden calf). Courtney and Caitlin did a skit for the sermon, and Connor explained that the choice of the story of the golden calf was based on the need for patience.
To keep in the theme of the golden calf, our hymn of the day was "Old McDonald" (which I found pretty creative). Then they used some crackers and water for Holy Communion.
Caitlin, the Music Director, played the piano.
Finally, Connor pronounced the benediction.
Much work went into this service. And, it will forever be one of my very favorites. The kids worked together for a common good. And they displayed a wonderful ability to take a biblical passage and understand it and convey their understanding.
Considering all the fighting and bickering they have been doing lately, this was such a fresh, unexpected joy. For an entire morning, my children got along, smiled at each other, listened to each other, and worshiped together.
It was easily one of the best worship services I have had in a very long time!
Praise be to God!
St. LaPointe Lutheran Church is not a real ELCA congregation
We worshiped in our home
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