Monday, July 27, 2009

Welcome Home...

This Sunday was going to be like any other Sunday in our home church-- Except that the new council was being installed during the service. Hubby has been elected Vice President, which means he will serve as President next year. So, we knew that was going to be pretty special.

As we were sitting down, we were approached by one of the gentlemen in our congregation who said they were short acolytes. Both my older kids were asked to acolyte.

There is nothing quite like watching your children walk in carrying the torch to light the alter candles. They had on their long robes (which nearly drug the ground on the younger child) and the acolyte's cross.

As the service progressed, they sat still and/or participated in the service, as the need required. They didn't slouch, pick at their shoes, stare at the ceiling or even yawn. They were respectful ministers of the service.

Our family might not have sat in the same pew together, but we were definitely all worshipping together. And what joy to get to serve our Lord in these very special ways!


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